
Tap Tap Short Story

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Tap Tap Short Story
Tap Tap
Boring night, boring day
Tap Tap
Regular night, regular day
Tap Tap
Tap Tap

I mentally tapped my fingers on the kitchen counter as I drink some water from the cup in my hand. I had just been through a long day of classes, and it was around two o'clock AM and I had gotten thirsty in the middle of the night. I haven't been able to sleep for some reason for the past few days acually, because of a lingering thought in my mind. It has been bugging me and I just can't sleep if it pops up in my brain, and it never happens intill I need to sleep. I just...Don't understand why it keeps seeping into my brain. It gets worse the more I think about it. Why do I think about things like this? I know it all sounds werid so far- and it is- and I haven't even told you yet. Wow, my sense of mind is totaly not normal. Well, I might as well tell you because it would make no sense to not, and you are probably on the edge of your seats right now, correct? Well, I have been thinking about what would happen if-

"What are you doing?"

"Oh my-!" I set my glass of water on the table and my hands flew up to my throught as I felt the water I just downed go down the wrong pipe. I quickly got myself
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Oh, and I mean it. I was genetically modified by scientists who wanted to create the perfect person with every talent imaginable and I accepted because I loved this school so much. I look down at everyone because I am better then them and I tend to rub it in their faces sometimes without directly saying it." I said into the mirror while flipping my hair with both my hands for dramatic effect, which he would do if he was acually showed emotion for once in his life. He used to...But not anymore...As I have heard. I walked over to my bed and slipped under the covers as I tried to sleep while keeping the thought out of my mind. Little did I know that the rest of my life was about to dive into tragity, corruption,

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