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People can be considered experts in their own tastes or preferences. According to Stokes, opinions based on your own tastes and preferences are opinions you are entitled to. Opinions about bigger issues, such as the right course of treatment for a cancer patient, can not be based on tastes and preferences. The opinion of an oncologist, who has medical training and experience, cannot carry the same weight as the opinion formed by a family member who does not hold equal medical training or experience. You're entitled to opinions about tastes and preferences. You aren't entitled to opinions about things not based on your personal opinions and preferences. In cases for bigger issues, expertise matters. You can't hold opinions as equal, or say they deserve to be treated equally when the knowledge, expertise level and experience level are not equal. Someone can have an opinion about how cancer patients should proceed with their medical care, but they aren't entitled to it, and their opinion should not be given equal consideration to the opinion of an