BSN – 3B1
Diagnosis: Stabbed Wound
A stab wound is a specific form of penetrating trauma to the skin that results from a knife or a similar pointed object that is "deeper than it is wide". Most stabbings occur because of intentional violence or through self infliction.
History of the patient: The patient got stabbed with a knife at the left forearm while drinking alcohol with his friends. (The scrub nurse told me, the patient has an absent radial pulse when they assessed him). Reason to undergo surgery:
Surgical intervention may be required but it depends on what organ systems are affected by the wound and the extent of the damage. It is important for care providers to thoroughly check the wound site inasmuch as a laceration of an artery often results in delayed complications sometimes leading to death. Typically, a surgeon will track the path of the weapon to determine the anatomical structures that were damaged.
Surgical Procedure and type of incision:
Emergency Wound Exploration, Fasciotomy Radial Artery,
End to End Anastomosis, Partial Wound Closure, Left Forearm.
The type of incision performed was skin incision radial to the midline of the volar forearm; the surgeons performed emergency wound exploration to locate the internal structures that were damaged; they found an embolus that blocks the flow of blood at the radial artery that causes his radial pulse to stop pulsating; fasciotomy in the radial artery was performed to cut the formed blood clot in the artery; end to end anastomosis of the radial artery was done to restore circulation of blood to the artery and the pulsation of the radial pulse; partial wound closure at the left forearm, it was stapled by the surgeon with 6 staples on the skin to promote closure of the stabbed wound.
R E S E A R C H with sample pictures:
The Technique of Nerve Repair.
The operation is performed under tourniquet, and wide