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Safeguarding: Bullying and Young Person

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Safeguarding: Bullying and Young Person
Dawn Morris 17.11.14 Safeguarding Children

1.1 Identify the current legislation, guidelines, policies and procedures for safeguarding the welfare of children and young people including e-safety.

U N C R C- United Nations Convention on Right of Child

Agreement between several countries. UK and France first to join

Started in 1989. 41 articles/rights.
Right to be listened to
Right to have their say
Right to be protected from harm

The Children Act 1989 revised in 2004, emphasised the right that child's welfare is paramount.

2004 Act bought in children’s services and emphasised child's right over parents.
2004 Act no physical punishment.

The child and adoption act 2006 to give adopted children and foster children the same rights.

CYP Act 2008 to include 18-19 year olds.
The Sex Offender Act 1997 meant anyone under 18 was placed on sex offenders register.

Safeguarding and Vulnerable groups Act 2006 meant if working with vulnerable child or adult must have DBS.

Domestic Violence Act
E-Safety act 2008.

Policies in your own setting:

Child Protection Policy;
1. Definition of child abuse
2. Clear guidelines on what to do
3. Procedures to follow

Lone Working Policy
States when you can work alone and how long for

Whistle blowing policy

Try to pinpoint what is concerning you and why
Approach someone you trust and who you believe will respond
Make sure you get a satisfactory response, don't let matters drop
Put your concerns in writing on a ‘Confidential Incident Record’.

ECM – Every Child Matters
Risk Assessment- make sure children are protected in your care or off site DBS.

1.2 Different agencies
LADO- Local Authority Designated Officers
SCS – Social Care Services
CPIU – Child Protection Investigation Unit
NSPCC – Information can be passed on anonymously
CAMHS – Children Adolescent Mental Health Service
CAF – Common Assessment Framework
Health Visitor
School Nurse

2.1 Identify the signs and symptoms of common childhood illnesses
Chicken pox – temperature, fever, sick, red rash, blisters
Measles / rubella – 2/3 weeks fir symptoms to appear. Red/pink spots, swollen lymph nodes, fever, temperature, sire throat.
Mumps – swelling and pain of one or both glands.
The mouth may feel dry, fever, high temperature, headache, feeling tired.
Hand foot and mouth- red spots, ulcers in mouth and cheeks. Sides of fingers and toes, fever, sore throat.
Impetigo – bullious and non – bullious is more contagious. Large fluid filled blisters around mouth. Goes after 3/5 days.
Conjunctivitis – redness in whites of eyes or inner eyelids, increased amount of tears. Thick, yellow discharge, itchy eyes, burning eyes.
Whooping cough- 3 stages. First cold and sire throat. Second whooping cough and third it gets less and less. Can last 6 to 20 days after infection. Caused by a bacteria called Bordetella pertussis.
Tonsillitis- red and swollen tonsils, high temperature.
Gastroenteritis - diarrhoea, sickness, dehydrated.

2.2 Describe the actions to take when children or young people are injured.
All work places must have at least one qualified first aider. It is essential that you know who the named first aiders is.
Reporting to the manager or senior care is particularly important when a child/YP has suffered a head bump.
Information on incidents and accidents must be recorded in the incident or accident report book. If you have observed an incident or accident you will have to provide details on what occurred and the action you took. You should make notes as soon after the event as possible.
A manager or member of staff with the authority to do so will complete and sign the reports. Serious accidents have to be reported to the Health and Safety Executive by law.

2.3 Identify circumstances when children and young people might require urgent medical attention.
1. When a child bumps their head and becomes sleepy or drowsy.
2. Severe diarrhoea or vomiting
3. Unbidden tidied rashes
4. Difficulty breathing
5. Child or YP becomes unconscious

3.1 Identify the characteristics of different types of child abuse
Physical – repeated injuries, unwilling to undress, development delay. In babies , floppiness, May be broken bones.
Emotional – withdrawn, aggressive, low self esteem, lack of confidence, depression, nervous, neurotic.
Sexual – constant infections, blood, bruising, food related problems, anorexia, self harm.
Neglect – dirty, inappropriate clothing, poor personal hygiene, nits, hungry, underweight, stealing food, low attendance at school. Inappropriate behaviour, tiredness, delayed development.
Bullying – isolation, low self esteem, self harm, loss of clothes or money. Reluctant to attend school. Education standards delayed, bullying messages.
5R’s Recognise – notice what is happening Respond – by verbal response, what you say , how you say it. Report - report to safeguarding officer, manager, police. They will make referral. Record - record down, procedures to follow, times dates, who is involved, where it happened. Refer – if nothing is being done, refer to police, social services.

3.2 Describe the risks and possible consequences for children and young people using the internet, mobile phones and other technologies.
Exposure to inappropriate material which could be pornographic, violent or racist, this can encourage illegal or dangerous behaviour and activities.
A risk of physical danger, paedophiles use technology as an opportunity to pose as whoever they wish and they can develop friendships/relationships with children and young people which can progress into sexual activity.
Children and young people are at risk of bullying when uses the internet, mobile phones and other technology. It provides an anonymous method of bullying by way of text messages and emails which can be emotionally damaging.
Racist ant anti-social groups use modern technology to preach and spread what they are about, leaving young people vulnerable to becoming part of their activity which is unhealthy.

3.3 Describe actions to take in response to evidence or concerns that a child has been abused, harmed (including self-harm) or bullied, or maybe at risk of harm, abuse or bullying.
Report your concerns to the designated person or manager. Write down what has been said or observed and keep the information secure.
Take the child or young person seriously.
Assure the child or young person they are not to blame.
Assure the child or young person that to be able to help them you need to tell someone else.
Do not appear shocked, or ask further questions
Do not make promise to the child or young person to keep the information a secret.
3.4 Describe the actions to take in response to concerns that a colleague may be:
A, failing to comply with safeguarding procedures.
B, harming, abusing or bullying a child or young person.
Anyone who works with children or young people has a responsibility to take action if it is felt that a colleague is not following the code of conduct. All staff has a duty to comply with policies and procedures. Failure to comply May put children and young people at risk of harm or abuse.
Concerns should be reported to a Safeguarding co-ordinator, if we have concerns that a colleague is abusing a child our actions should be exactly the same as a parent, family member or stranger. We must inform a Safeguarding officer for child protection. We made need to give evidence.

3.5 Describe the principles and boundaries of confidentiality and when to share information. Any information regarding children or young people must be treated confidential, as stated in the Data Protection Act 1998. Any information must be stored as stated in the act. All members of staff must be familiar and adhere to the guidelines.

The Data protection Act (1998) covers both paper and electronic records. Individuals have the right to see all information that is stored about them.
The workplace has a responsibility to ensure all information is correct, and kept confidential.
All records should be stored safely i.e. (locked away and password protected) so that access is restricted to those who have legitimate access to the information.

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