How a child respond to different kinds of situation and stimuli is called temperament (Zeanah & Fox, 2004). Fundamentally, how a child conduct themselves in contrast with his/her environment is also considered temperament. The forerunners for the idea of temperament are Alexander Thomas and Stella Chess who illustrated to us how a child act affect parental reaction during caregiving. They are nine dimensions when considering temperament and they are all part of a child biological make-up. The nine dimensions are as followed activity level, regularity of functioning, approach-withdrawal in new situations, intensity of emotional expression, overall valence of mood, adaptability to changes in …show more content…
However, the cause of this condition is attributed to both the environmental factors and genetics. In most cases, children who start their early lives in compromised attachment are most likely going to develop difficulties in their later periods of their developmental stages. These children who are exposed to compromised environment while still in their early stages of development tend to develop low self-esteem, lack of emotional regulation and more often tend to be involved in behavioral challenges. These children also have poor social relationships, and lack empathy (Sheperis, Doggett, & Hoda, 2003, …show more content…
There must be the existence of services that not only allow, but also encourage all caregivers to acquire sensitive, reliable, as well as attuned interaction with their young ones from the time of delivery. Some caregivers need a high level of support to allow them to achieve this. While this is impossible, alternative measures must be taken so as to ensure that infants acquire at least one sensitive and dependent connection with a mature person. This connection should be long-lived and children should get it whenever it is needed (Lehmann, 2016, p.