1.1 Legislative requirements are defined by law, The health and safety act 1974 ensures a safe working environment. The electricity at work regulations 1989, The COSHH 2002 regulations protects people against any chemical/substances hazardous to health, the MHOR 1999 how to move equipment safely without injury. The data protection act 1998, The equality act 2010 involves race relations and disability, age, Each has their own act , sex discrimination act 1975 and age discrimination act 2006. RIDDOR 1995 for the reporting of injuries,disease and dangerous occurrences.
Regulatory requirements include IFL code of practice for teachers to ensure responsibilities towards safe guarding vulnerable adults in learning, public liability insurance , a waiver for clients to sign to say they are happy to be treated by trainees under supervision, risk assessments. Hygiene standards, registered personnel, terms and conditions of employment, codes of professional practice LLLS 2008 IFL, and your duty of care.
1.2 To value and celebrate everyone, as each learner will each have a different range of abilities, you must treat everyone equally and with dignity and respect, no matter their age, race, culture or disability. Everyone is entitled to education and adapt your teaching methods to include everyone. Have a look at Reisenberger & Dadzie 2002, Equality and diversity in adult and community learning- a guide for managers, Niace, which you can access at http://www.excellencegareway.org.uk/pdf/A1181.pdf Accessed 20th October 2012.
1.3 Think about what you will be teaching prepare and organize a plan. Make the lesson interesting but informative. To adapt your lesson if something goes wrong, are the learners benefiting from the lesson and how to tell if they are. Assess your methods if you notice they are not picking up on the topic, track progress and look back on paperwork/ evidence try another method.
Bibliography: London underground trainers code of practice. Reisenberger A & Dadzie S (2002), Equality and diversity in adult and community learning- a guide for managers, Niace, which you can access at http://www.excellencegareway.org.uk/pdf/A1181.pdf Accessed 20th October 2012. Health and safety in Hairdressing and beauty therapy( online) ( updated 27th June 2012) ( Accessed on 20th October 2012) available at http://www.hse.gov.uk/hairdessing