
Pros And Cons Of Act Utilitarianism

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Pros And Cons Of Act Utilitarianism
We use the Internet almost every single day. We use it for communication, education, and entertainment. Many things that we used to do, like write letters or reading books, have become digitized to where it can be accessible online. Gmail allows us to communicate; educational websites and blogs allow us to learn; YouTube, Spotify, and other applications provide entertainment. Now that almost everything has a digital form, it can be accessed from any device with an Internet connection. So if everything is available online, is it ok to download these files without paying for them? Along with discussing this question, several versions of the utilitarian theory will be described and applied to this specific question to determine whether or not it is morally right or wrong. …show more content…
Under the umbrella of utilitarianism, there are act utilitarians, who operate under the theory that an act is morally right if it produces an equal amount, or more, happiness for that one person than any other act. An act utilitarian does not consider what effect their decision will have if everyone else did the same act. This type of utilitarian is a rule utilitarian. A rule utilitarian will consider what the consequences of an act would be if everyone else committed the act. A third type of utilitarian is a classical hedonistic act utilitarian in which every choice is made to maximize pleasure for the

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