
Persuasive Essay On Bilingual Education

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Persuasive Essay On Bilingual Education
Many people don’t see the opportunities that bilingual education programs can have on any person. Bilingual education programs have “a positive effect on intellectual growth” on a child’s mind. Bilingual education programs also produce good listening skills. Lastly it gives job opportunities when the time comes to get a job. Bilingual education programs should not be abandoned because it has a positive effect on intellectual growth, produces good listening skills, and gives job opportunities. Bilingual education has a “positive effect on intellectual growth and enriches and enhances a child’s mental development.” This means that learning a second language at an early age will give the child a head start in language requirements for college. According to an online article from Science Time, “new studies have shown that their brain is nimbler, quicker, and better able to deal with ambiguities, resolve conflicts, and even resist Alzheimer’s disease. This will have the effect on the child to apprehend more quickly when learning in his/her …show more content…
They use information in new ways, for example bilinguals can think of different words or phrases “ for each idea and object.” Bilinguals think in both languages when thinking of a new word or phrase and then choose which fits the best . People who speak and read more than one language are potentially able to communicate with more people, read more books, and benefit more fully from travel to other countries. Francois Grosjean, the author of Bilingual: Life and Reality, stated in his book than an advantage of being bilingual “are that it allows one to help others, it creates a bond with other bilinguals, and it sometimes helps to understand what others may not.” “Bilingualism is reported to foster open-mindedness, offer different perspectives of life, and reduce cultural

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