
Personal Narrative: How Life Changed My Life

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Personal Narrative: How Life Changed My Life
Going through life, we as humans face many obstacles and conflicts. Some thing change a person's perspective and some things don’t. This something changed my life so suddenly, it wasn’t until recently that I realized how big of an impact it had made on my life. As a little kid you don’t understand the big things that go on in the real world around you. When I was four I was adopted. I was taken out of the poor, underprivileged part of Phoenix, AZ, and was given a new life and new opportunities.

The first few years of my life were spent alone. My birth father left when I was born and my birth mother would leave me home alone for days on end. I remember when I was two, waking up and not finding anyone in the house, I was hungry and scared. I would climb on to the counters to find something to eat, which a lot of times was nothing. I would have to do everything for myself, but soon that would change. The last time my birth mother left me, i was sent to my Grandparents. My Grandpa was sick and they didn’t have a lot of money. My Grandma started calling friends and relatives but no one wanted to take me. She was losing hope, but there was one last couple she could try. She called my parents and they took me instantly. Ever since then I’ve been happy, healthy and loved. I couldn’t ask for better parents
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Being adopted had a positive impact on me, I got to see the world in a multitude of different perspectives. For example I know what it’s like to struggle through life and not knowing where the next meal would be coming from, but I also know what it’s like to take everything for granted and have things given to me. Getting to see both sides of life has taught me many life lessons. One thing I learned is that no matter what you go though, it’s the tough things in life that really shape us. This relates to me because if I was never adopted, I would have never become the person I am

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