
Personal Narrative: The Event That Changed My Life

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Personal Narrative: The Event That Changed My Life
A big event that has changed my life was when my older brother moved away to go to the navy. This changed my life cause I did not know if I was ever going to see him again. When he told me he was leaving and not going to be back for awhile i thought he was leaving because of me, I was a little brat back then so yeah and at the age i was i thought everything was my fault. The day my brother left was probably the saddest thing to ever happen because me and him would always hang out and play video games or walk around town or do something fun. I remember when we dropped him off at the airport i was clinched on to his leg and i was refusing to let go because I didn’t want him to leave. Now that i look back on it i think one of the reasons why i didn’t want him to leave is because he was kinda like my best friend/ role model so yeah and well he is my older brother and I didn’t want anything to happen to him. My favorite memory from before he left has to be when we would always go to this place in town called munchies, it was our favorite …show more content…
One of the things that he decided to do when he got back there was to marry this girl that his friend hooked him up with, I would say her name but i don’t know how to spell it so i just call her “ K” because that is what her first name starts with. I can’t remember if he told us ahead of time that he was getting married. When he was done with the navy he ended up moving back into the house for probably a year or so. In the time that he moved back he ended up having a baby boy, he was my first nephew ever i was about 14 or 15 when he was born. About a year after the baby was born they all ended up moving to Cottage Grove for his job. When they lived up there they ended up having another baby but this time it ended up being a girl so now she is my first ever niece and I call her “ MK “ because her name is really long well atleast i think it

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