
Personal Narrative Essay: I Wish I Could Play Baseball?

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Personal Narrative Essay: I Wish I Could Play Baseball?
I wish I could play baseball! It’s really not fair! All of my friends are out hanging out and having fun, but not me. I am in bed writing. I am not too found of writing, but what else do I have to do? You can only watch so much TV and I don’t really have that many people to talk to. Mom is gone and it’s very different now that no one here to bring me whatever I need and want. I know my dad cares about me it’s just different. “How ya doin’?” and “Don’t overdo it.” is not the same as mom kissing me goodnight or how she would feel my forehead when I was sick. I don’t understand why this is all happing to me, what did I ever do?
Last night I was allowed to go get pizza with Greg and Fabian. I was super excited to see them. To even get out of the house was a treat for me. We used to go get pizza all the time after games and I really missed that. Once we got there I got I slice of
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I was like “I am getting out of jail!” I was so excited and I thought he would be too. He could care less. I wanted to die. I knew I was going to be the odd one out when I went back to school but I thought I would still have my baseball friends. Nope I am going back to school with no friends. I know was planning on stopping writing when I got better but that little book is my only friend other than my dad but can I really count dads. No you can’t. I have no real friends in the world.
So I was sitting on the bench. You think I would be more excited to be back with the team but I really wasn’t. I never realized how boring sitting on the bench was. I was just minding my own business writing in my book when coach yelled at me for not cheering on my team. I thought this was so ridiculous. No one would have cheered for me if I got I hit. No one really cared that much to check on me when I was sick. I couldn’t tell if I was sad or mad. I am very good at hiding my emotions so I got up and cheered like nothing ever happened. I used to love coach but he is not my favorite

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