
Personal Narrative-Learning To Play Softball Is Tricky

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Personal Narrative-Learning To Play Softball Is Tricky
Learning to play softball is tricky. You have to learn all the terms, how to pitch, the legal and illegal moves, etc. Although, there is a lot to learn it's a fun sport.

I remember when i started. My first practice was horrible. Some stuff was easy for me to catch onto, but some not so much.I tried everything to stay motivated, but when I felt I was getting in the way I sat in the dug out. Coach soon sent us home and he held me back for a minute begging me not to lose hope. So i didn't.

Next practice came along and as we got done with the bone aching exercises, i knew we were all lining up to practice every softball players nightmare. Batting. To my surprise, I was not as nervous as i was the first time i batted. I pushed

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