
Personal Essay: Why Baseball Is Important To Me

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Personal Essay: Why Baseball Is Important To Me
Growing up I played baseball to me baseball was everything i could think of. i couldn't wait to the weekend so i could put on that dirty uniform and pick up the new bat and nice leather glove and play baseball. When i was young i played in a big park in NYC where everyone saw you play so as i grew up everyone expected me to continue playing baseball and get better and work hard my mother always signed me up for baseball and i met a lot of coaches who help me gain more talent throughout the years. So as i grew up baseball started to be more and more of a priority to me i went to baseball practice two times a week one during the week and one on the weekend and with baseball practice i attended a baseball program which is twice a week meaning less and less time for homework and time to study. that being said i believe that time management and dealing with less and less sleep is the biggest problem with high school sports.

being that my parents always stride for me playing sports my parents always wanted me to go and make sure i’m always active they made sure i had a active gym account during my
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All my life i wanted to play baseball throughout my middle school and high school year and move on to college and play baseball so far i have been succesful in doing it but it was not easy while playing managing family problems, school work and time so in my prospective i believe dealing with time management is the biggest headache there is playing sports at the high school

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