The church bells started
The church bells started
Football has always been a big part of my life. As a young boy I would day dream of making insane touchdowns, making tackles that would leave man stuck in the ground, and even winning the heisman trophy. In 7th grade I had begged my mother endlessly to sign me up for pee wee football because she would always worry about the risks of football. After finally getting her to sign me up, we went straight into the season. I chose to play running back because as a 12-year-old I was remarkably fast having timed 5.3 in the 40 yard-dash. After a few weeks in the season we approached the playoffs and found out our opponent for the first round of the playoffs were the jaguars who were undefeated. Our team didn’t have the best chemistry on…
In chapter 12, the key event to me was when Claudia and Finn talked to each other through the keys. I felt many emotions when reading their interaction one of them being happy. I felt happy when they talked to each other because it was a turning point in the story in my opinion. I also felt surprised because at first, I thought by having two keys, there would be a lock that would need both keys to hear and speak to each other. I also felt confused by the way they conversed; How could they now hear each other but not before. I think by having one key being touched, the other key can hear because on page 153 Claudia says she breathed and rubbed on the key making it warm and on page 154 Finn says when he touches the key it's warm.I like the way the author wrote the scene from both perspectives, it gave us the readers a clearer understanding of how both Finn and Claudia felt. I also like how the author described the way both keys affect each other and have a "key" connection.…
The thirteenth emoji going left to right, that has heart eyes and has its lips perked out is relateable to a part of the book where Jerome and Rory are kissing intensively. On page 200 it states "I started pressing my lips into his cheek - just a hint of a kiss,.....I felt his shoulders release, and he made a little noise that was partly a groan, partly a sigh. He kissed my neck up, up, up to my ear......My body flushed itself with all the good chemicals that it takes to reserve for making out. On page 201 it states " He told me scary Jack the Ripper facts, and I had the sudden need to make out with him until I ran out of breath. I would have continued indefinitely if........."…
“ Yea yea I know,” I said. It was a friday night in Hayfork, a quiet town that no one knew about. No one came to the town, and no one ever left. That night, I was walking with my friend Liam to a birthday party. It gets really creepy at night so I had begged my mom to let him accompany me. It took about 15 minutes to walk there but that didn’t stop me.…
Finally, when I moved to New Orleans I started volunteer work at the Children’s Hospital and helped with pop up clinics for the Latino community twice. Overall I found that helping others shouldn't be something seen as duty or mandatory, it should be spontaneous. Through others experiences and hardships we learn and grow as human beings, not only did I enjoy helping others but I felt that it helped me with my problems. Having moved around so much and meet so many people and living by myself so many years I came to truly be thankful for my blessings and specially for my hardships. Hermann Hesse once said, "I have always believed, and I still believe, that whatever good or bad fortune may come our way we can always give it meaning and transform it into something of value." Helping others made me realize that we all need help and that my way to help others would be through their health. It also taught me not to judge anybody, especially if you don't know what they have been through. I am hard believer that everything happens for a reason, and all the weekends I spend watching my parents help others helping others myself made me the determined person that I am today. Finally, the most important lesson I learned was to never give up, no matter how hard the task is or how bad the problem is there will always be someone willing to help and you can always be both sides to that, the helper or the one who needs…
After retaking the LASSI I have noticed a considerable amount of improvement as well as regression. In the beginning of the year, I vowed to myself that I would become a better student. I wanted to maximize all of my abilities in order to be successful. So, after I took my first LASSI and had my talk with Mac, I began to implement new strategies meant to help me accomplish my goal. First I had to deal with my anxiety. In past years I suffered with a lot of anxiety while learning math. I used to love math very much, however, this changed after my 6th grade year. Math became a foreign subject to me. I could no longer make connections and solve problems. As a result, my grades in math began to drop. As a person who is used to getting A’s and B’s on assignments, I had a difficult time in coping with my failure since it didn’t live up to my standards in the subject of math. My difficulty with math eventually caused me to have anxiety. I had carried this anxiety until my sophomore year in high school. It seemed as if no matter how hard I tried to concentrate on math tests my mind would always become blank. Luckily I had an…
Does moving to a new place change everything you ever experience? Moving to a whole new descriptive place is like being pop out of your mothers belly again. Especially, when you move to a place where the language, the food, the people, school and everything else is brand new. Those type of situations, shape your way of living in a constructive way that will affect the rest of your lifestyle. That's the same situation that made me have a life change into a whole new story. Almost 15 years ago, my mother had to make a decision that will affect her and affect the love ones around her. An option that will make her leave everything she ever loved and wanted behind forever. The option was to leave her lifestyle, her family and leave a part of her own blood made from her flesh. The own blood was me, leaving me with my grandma so she could had gone to find a job and start a new journey. To have a way to support the her baby and her own family. Departing to the U.S.A when I was only one years old. Until a sudden burdens of death that was going to make my whole story, lifestyle, my whole childhood and the rest of my life changed.…
Have you ever been through an experience where you moved to an unfamiliar location by yourself? I had the opportunity to do just that when I left my hometown in Hong Kong and come to America for a better education. I was only thirteen years of age at the time. Giving me the chance to come the U.S was the greatest gift that my parent has ever given me in my life. I appreciated them for providing me this valuable and precious chance for my thirteen years old birthday present.…
“Graduation, the hush-hush magic time of frills and gifts and congratulations and diplomas.” You weren’t lying when you said that Maya Angelou. May 19th, 2013 I had dreamt of that day for almost four years. I know I can’t be the only person who feel this way. I remember it as if it was just yesterday. So many different emotions going through my mind all at once. Happiness, Sadness, I felt relieved because it was almost over but at the same time I felt anxious and overly excited to just leave and go far away. 389 seniors were going to walk across the stage and receive their diplomas. After all, our class had the biggest percentage of graduates who were actually…
As I was writing my personal narrative for my composition 1 class, it easily made my mind boggle. After I had got started on my personal narrative, it was easy for me to keep writing and keep following along the story line. The main strength of mine that the essay played to was my creativity and my flexibility for different writings, because I have never written an essay as serious and sad as this one, but I did have to add my happy ending when I finished the story. I wanted it to be very attention grabbing with a twist, but I also wanted it to be very emotional.…
Growing up in Kokomo, Indiana there wasn’t much to the daily life in my hometown. I’d like to believe this is me telling the story of how through hard work and perseverance I could achieve my goal in high school. A goal that many told me was unachievable and stupid to pursue. What is this goal you wonder? My goal was to play Basketball at Kokomo High School.…
I was always that good kid that would always try not to do wrong, and be onm track with positive assertions. Then things happened and distracted me from the positive choices I used to make in life. Eventually, it kept building up to the pont where I lost control. Here's a little on how it all unfolded.…
Yet another Thanksgiving, and I was stuck in my uncle’s basement watching the Redskins face off the Dallas Cowboys. Michael Jordan, Serena Williams, and various other famous athletes all grinned at me from their respective Wheaties boxes, seemingly mocking my pain. My uncle collected them and, for some reason, had decided the bright orange boxes would be a great decorative addition to the basement wall behind the television. I remember once, when I was younger, I was searching for a movie to watch and I accidentally brushed against a limited edition Michael Jordan box. The box began to teeter, and I immediately knew that I was doomed. All the boxes began to fall like dominos to the floor. My uncle, needless to say, was furious. Thus, it was seemingly fitting that the offended boxes, now realigned on the wall, would have the privilege to witness my torture by football.…
The illusion of invulnerability is one of the largest causes of teenage related arrests, injuries, and deaths. This was the day I realized I wasn’t untouchable.…
Do you ever get bored of telling a story over and over again? It’s like listening to a song so many times that when it comes on the radio you want to change it but can’t help but leave it where it’s at and sing along. That’s what happens when people ask me about being adopted: what happened? Why did it happen? When did it happen? But being adopted doesn’t ever change no matter how many times I tell the story. I always hear how jealous other people are of my life; “I get stuff handed to me”, “I don’t work for my things”, “I’m spoiled”, and whatever else has been passed around, but what they don’t see is the envy I look at everyone with when I see them with their parents or when I see a 5 year old is crying because they lost their mom is the store, when mine left me at the neighbor’s house.…