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Patriot Act Essay

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Patriot Act Essay
Patriot Act Essay

The House of Representatives passed the Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 on October 24, 2001. This is also known as the USA Patriot Act. The Patriot Act was designed to deter and punish terrorist acts in the United States and around the world and to enhance law enforcement investigatory tools (USA Patriot Act, 2001). Honestly I believe that the Patriot Act is beneficial to America, in order to keep everyone safe and unharmed. The U.S. Government does have a right to wiretap, if it is going to prevent everyone from becoming harmed. The Act allows the government to access business records with no hassle. Last “Sneak and peek” search warrants can help prevent evidence from disappearing, which can be accommodating to cases. The Patriot Act provides safety to all Americans in order to fight terrorism The United States is full of freedoms and sometimes it is good to have control from the government. It is extremely beneficial to Americans to allow the one wiretap authorization. Only one wiretap to multiple devices, like a cell phone, PC, and blackberry for example can help catch sophisticated terrorists. With wiretapping there is no need to ask for a separate court in order to receive authorization, which in the end can save time and maybe even lives. However surveillance experts, claim that criminal wiretaps must be established that the person is under investigation, and is the same person using the device before the wiretap takes place. In order to move from one device to another, the government must make sure that the subject of the surveillance identified by the warrant currently use that device. Civil libertarians claim that that the hazy language of the US Patriot Act can eventually lead to privacy violations of innocent citizens that come into casual contact with the suspect. When conducting research on a person the act allows the government to access business records with no hassle. Which helps receive easier access to obtain business records in foreign intelligence investigations. This provision allows investigators to obtain “any tangible thing” including books, records, papers, documents and other items sought in connection with a terrorist investigation. This section does not require any individualized suspicion to get a court order for any record wanted in an intelligence investigation. It allows the FBI, by means of a secret authorization from a court, to have access to any and all personal data without having to demonstrate that the inquiry has anything to do with terrorism or a foreign power. The Patriot Act allows "Sneak and peek" search warrants, which gives consent to authorities search a home or business without immediately notifying the target of the search. It is as if there is a delay in notification, as a result the FBI can search any home and business. If a notice were to go out to the owners before hand it can jeopardize an entire operations. The Act allows anyone to use the “Sneak and peek” search in any crime, no matter how minor. The only exception is for cases that can have the entire case put at risk. Under this provision the FBI is permitted to enter a home or an office in the absence of the occupant. During this undisclosed investigation, FBI agents are approved to take photographs, examine computer hard drives, and install a device known as the Magic Lantern. After the installment, of the Magic Lantern, it begins to record all computer activity, not just those transmitted over the Internet. Critics claim that investigators already had the power to conduct secret searches in counterterrorism and counterespionage investigations. The Patriot Act is one of the best acts that has positively benefited America. It allows the government to access certain priorities. The Patriot Act provides safety to all Americans in order to fight terrorism. The entire purpose of the Patriot Act was designed to prevent and punish terrorist acts in the United States.

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