
Patriot Act Pros And Cons

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Patriot Act Pros And Cons
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."- Benjamin Franklin

On October 26th, 2001, just 45 days after September 11th a panicked Congress passed, with little debate, the USA Patriot Act. The 342 page patriot act violates our 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th and 14th amendments, thus making it unconstitutional. I don't know why Congress passed this act, or how it got through the Supreme Court, but most people in Congress didn't even read the Patriot Act. I am sure that our founding fathers would not have wanted the Patriot Act. Just look at what Ben Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
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That seems a little confusing. What it basically means is that a person can not be tried twice for the same crime, they can't be jailed or loose their property except through "proper legal actions", and they can't be forced to testify against themselves. Under the Patriot Act, American citizens suspected of terrorism are being held in military custody without being charged and without access to lawyers. In the text of the Patriot Act, which is really long and takes really long to search, in Section 412 it gives the Attorney General broad powers to detain non-citizens, weather they have done anything or

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