
Paleolithic And Neolithic DBQ

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Paleolithic And Neolithic DBQ
Paleolithic and Neolithic DBQ Essay
Visualize living in an area with lots of animals and plants that people hunt and gather daily. However, over a short period of time, there was a dramatic shift from hunting and gathering to food producing. Suddenly, people’s lives start to change and different lifestyles are formed. The Paleolithic Age, also called The Old Stone Age lasted from the beginnings of human life until about 10,000 BCE. At this time, people were nomads and survived by hunting and gathering wild animals and plants. The Neolithic Age, also called The New Stone Age, was a time when humans started to cultivate crops and domesticate animals. This was also known as the Agricultural Revolution. It lasted from about 10,000 until about 40,000
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This was perhaps one of the single most important developments in human history. All of a sudden, people learned how to farm. Since they did not have to waste their time looking for food, they were able to learn new skills and develop new ways of thinking about their world. Grains were able to be stored easier than meat. It was now possible to reserve large quantities of food, resulting in a growth in population. People farmed, settled in villages, and built permanent homes. The Neolithic people also learned to hunt, farm, and cook. Furthermore, new interactions among communities were established, causing a growth in population and many technological advancements (Document 3). This led to higher forms of organization and government. Stronger leaders gained power and laws were established to protect people and prevent chaos and destruction. Additionally, agriculture lead to recreational activity because there was more leisure time, since less time was needed to obtain food. This is how more technological advancements were created, such as the calendar (Document …show more content…
Cattles would pull the plough and trample in the seeds (Document 5). This created fertile soil, so it encouraged cultivation and harvesting of crops. This, as well as the domestication of animals allowed for a stable food supply. Due to this, Neolithic people would settle down in river valleys because they provided people with fertile soil because of the flood from the rivers. Humans living in this period contained more variation in art forms and improved tools which allowed greater realism. Leisure time encouraged people to create more and varied art. Their artworks and paintings were mostly wall paintings. This evolution of art made many famous artists such as Pablo Picasso and Vincent van Gogh famous today for their artworks. Rather than using cave paintings as religious rituals, the Neolithic people built temples for formal religious ceremonies. The powerful kings control was often enhanced by the religious belief that kings were gods. Religion remained a significant part to the growing

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