How do animals endangered because of deforestation affect the Wayuu people?
I. Introduction paragraph- Explain the topic and research question
A. Background information
1. General overview of deforestation; statistics
2. Wayuu people intro
B. Thesis statement
II. Body paragraph #1- Explain deforestation
A. Deforestation
1. Where?
a. Statistics
b. South American deforestation
c. Venezuelan deforestation
2. Why?
a. Coal mining
b. Cattle ranching
c. Government involvement
3. Brief list of affects
a. Environment
b. Wildlife
c. Indigenous peoples (Wayuu)
III. Body paragraph #2- Tell about the Wayuu people
A. Wayuu people
1. History
2. Importance of ancestral lands
3. Brief list of affects of deforestation
a. Depletion of …show more content…
Quote by the Wayuu leader
Human Chromosome 22: First to be Decoded
December 1, 1999
Scientists complete first chapter of book of life with decoding of chromosome 22
An international team of researchers has achieved a scientific milestone by unraveling for the first time the genetic code of an entire human chromosome.
Reported in this week's issue of Nature (Dec. 2), researchers at the Sanger Centre near Cambridge, England; University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; Washington University, St. Louis, MO; and Keio University in Japan have succeeded in deciphering the sequence of the 33.5 million "letters," or chemical components, that make up the DNA of chromosome 22.
This sequence includes the longest, continuous stretch of DNA ever deciphered and assembled. It is over 23 million letters in length.
Each human gene is made up of a series of chemical building blocks represented by letters, A (adenine), T (thymine), G (guanine) and C (cytosine). The number and order of these letters, also called bases, determine what we are, how we look, and the diseases to which we may be predisposed. The chromosome 22 team has deduced the text of one chapter of the human genetic instruction