Through research I have noticed that Canada, one of the United States closes neighbors, uses a system called CCOHS or Canadian Centre for occupational health and Safety. The CCOHS has a vision which states: “We serve Canadians - and the world - with credible and relevant tools and resources to improve workplace health and safety programs. We encourage you to join us in creating a work world without pain, loss or tragedy. We believe that all Canadians have a fundamental right to a healthy and safe working environment. Through our programs, services, knowledge, commitment, and action, CCOHS will continue its efforts to advance health and safety in the workplace” …show more content…
CCOHS provides a selection of public service initiatives at no charge to the user, such as OSH Answers, the person-to-person Inquiry Service, newsletters, and the workscape online discussion board to educate employees of implemented safety procedures and terms of CCOHS. This is Canada’s procedure to educate and encourage a safe, sufficient work environment. This is similar in term of the many programs that OSHA offers for training/education and the medical management program such as for CTD’s. The medical management program, through OSHA, ensures understanding of early identification, evaluation, and treatment of signs and symptoms to prevent their recurrence and to aid in their prevention. (pg.