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Newtons 3 Laws Essay

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Newtons 3 Laws Essay
Newton’s Three Laws
Newton’s three laws of motion are laws or “rules” as to why objects move or don’t move they way they do. They tell us why things that move or at rest stay that way, or why the speed up, or simply what kind of things it takes to move objects. Newton’s three laws are very important because before he discovered these no one really knew why objects did what they did, they simply just did it. I care about these laws because I’ve learned so much that I never really understood nor knew.
Newton’s first law states “objects at rest will stay at rest unless an outside force acts on it and an object in motion will continue to stay in motion at constant speed in a straight line unless an outside force acts on it.” This means exactly what it says. If a ball is kicked it’ll go in a straight line until it hits a wall or someone stops it. If a ball is on the ground not moving it will stay not moving unless someone kicks it or something moves it. For my demo I went on the soccer field and got my soccer ball and kicked it. It went flying until it hit the fence. Then when I let the ball stay there, it didn’t move until I went to go get it. To me explaining an object in motion isn’t easier to explain but I love a challenge, it makes me work my brain.
Then there’s Newton’s second law: Forces and acceleration. Forces are things that act upon objects to make them move or slow down. Acceleration could be speeding up or slowing down. If an object is at rest or moving at a constant speed it is not accelerating. The type of force depends on the type of surface. There’s friction, which is two materials that are in constant with one another.
Acceleration depends on net force and mass. If the object has a lot of mass its acceleration isn’t a lot. If the mass of the object goes down the acceleration goes up. My example that I used was my bike and my grandmas ford focus. My bike was a lot easier to push. I just stood on the side of my bike and pushed it. With my grandmas car I had to put my hands on the trunk and push. This demo demonstrates that things with more mass don’t accelerate quickly and things with less mass do because the mass and acceleration are directly proportional.
Lastly we have Newton’s third law: action and reaction. The main idea of this law is any action has an equal opposite force. This means anything motion that happens, the amount of force that object gives out the same amount of force is exerted back on that object but in opposite direction. For example a bird flying, the bird’s wings are flapping up and down in the air pushing against the air trying to move forward. Well the air pushing the same amount of force back on the bird as the bird in pushing to flap its wings against the air to move forward, thus the bird moves forwards. My demo that I tried to illustrate Newton’s third law is swimming. When I push off the wall the start swimming, the wall pushes the same amount of force on me and pushes me forward.
In conclusion these are all the reasons why Newton’s three laws are important to me. They are laws that apply to everyday things in life. I never really understood why things did what they did, but now I know. Newton was a very smart man and if he hadn’t discovered these things I’m not sure who would have. Things that don’t even move that exert equal force back is something I found very interesting. Or the fact that when we walk or run we don’t move as fast if we are heavier. Now when my younger brother and sister ask me questions of why things move or rest I can tell them why and teach them about Newton’s three laws of motion.

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