I am going to explain the voluntary muscle the different types of muscle fibre including slow twitch fast twitch,including how their properties are influenced by their reliance on aerobic and anaerobic energy sources.
Skeletal muscle is made up of bundles of individual muscle fibres called myocytes. Each myocyte contains many myofibrils, which are strands of proteins (actin and myosin) that can grab on to each other and pull. This shortens the muscle and causes muscle contraction.
It is generally accepted that muscle fibre types can be broken down into two main types:slow twitch (Type I)muscle fibre and fast twitch (Type II)muscle fibres.
The type of muscle that bends a joint is called flexor muscle and muscles that …show more content…
Slow-twitch muscle fibres rely on oxygen as their main energy source
Because fast twitch fibres use anaerobic metabolism to create fuel, they are much better at generating short bursts of strength or speed than slow muscles. However, they fatigue more quickly. Fast-twitch fibres contract quickly and provide strength and speed.Sprinters require short but intense bursts of energy and therefore need more fast-twitch muscle fibres Fast-twitch muscle fibres rely on ATP and glycogen as their main energy source,fast-twitch fibres can only be active for a short period of time. Fast twitch muscle fibres don 't use oxygen to make energy, so they don 't need such a rich blood supply. This is why fast twitch muscles are lighter in colour than muscles that contain a lot of slow twitch muscle fibres.
A voluntary muscles usually works across a joint. It is attached to both the bones by strong cords called tendons.When the muscles contracts, usually just one bone …show more content…
Most voluntary muscles are used to move bones, though some, such as the muscles in the face, are used to create movements below the skin. Unlike cardiac or smooth muscle, voluntary muscle can be controlled by the conscious mind.
As a part of the musculoskeletal system, each voluntary muscle is used to help a person move around. Most are connected to bones by connective tissue called tendons. The muscle is attached to a bone at a location called its origin. It then runs along the length of the entire bone and is attached to a bone on the other side of the joint at the insertion. The muscle moves the bone here at the insertion..
Each voluntary muscle is made up of muscle cells. These cells are fused together into fibres that run the entire length of the muscle. Two types of fibres, a thick fibre, known as myosin and a thin fibre, known as actin, alternate within a voluntary muscle. These alternating bands of fibre give the muscles a striped appearance, which is why they are sometimes known as striped or striated muscles.The type of muscle that bends a joint is called flexor muscle and muscles that straighten the joint are known as extensor