
Minimum Wage Thesis

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Minimum Wage Thesis
The “American” Dream is what most aspire to achieve when living in the United States of America. When most citizens and immigrants think of the “American Dream”, they see equal opportunity. However, in reality, the levels of opportunity and equality is limited to some. There are many aspects of inequalities; a prime example would be wages in the workforce. Minimum wage was first introduced as a part of Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) in 1938, starting at 25¢ an hour. In today’s society, 25¢ would equate to $4. Since the first establishment by Franklin D. Roosevelt, the minimum wage has been raised 22 times. Wages have been rising at a constant rate since it was first established in the U.S. In addition to the federal minimum wage, there are …show more content…
For example: Georgia’s minimum wage is $5.15, while Florida’s minimum wage is $2.50 higher at $8.05.
Within the American public, there is an ongoing debate on whether or not the government should increase minimum wage to $15/hr. This topic is constantly conversed because minimum wage has the possibility of raised wages and reduce poverty. Minimizing the gap between the rich and the poor and building a strong middle class is what most of the public desire from the government. Primarily, minimum wage was proposed to protect employees from cruel work practices and to have fair pay. Presently, the purpose of minimum wage is to help workers, particularly those with families, become more self-reliant.
Various individuals have weighed on the issue. These individuals are majorly on neutral grounds showing the positive or negative effects of a minimum wage increase for workers. Out of the six sources, Lopresti and Mumford’s “Who Benefits from a Minimum Wage Increase?” was one of the articles take sides on the argument. The authors state that: even though most believe that minimum wage increases would help low wage workers, they are negatively impacted as a result. In other words, Lopresti and Mumford believe that the

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