My legs were shook like they never had before and in any normal situation I would be sweating but it was too cold for that. I saw the end of the diving board, I heard the sound of the board hitting the fulcrum as I jumped off the board to complete my dive. The dive I was about to meet with disaster was a Back 1 ½ Somersault in the Pike Position. This is when you do one and a half back flips and you land on your try head. Try was the key word in that previous statement. I felt my legs come up far too slowly and I felt myself jump to …show more content…
He saw the terrible welts and said to go ice for at least half an hour. I iced my back while people got pictures of the gruesome wounds. When I got back into the water it still hurt. I first got into the hot tub and felt the hot water sting my back and shoulders. It was almost unbearable. I jumped into the water at felt the cold water also irritate the wounds on my back. I knew that redoing that dive was going to be extremely painful no matter how I would land. I was obviously frightened to death to redo the dive. However, my coach made my prep (practice an easier dive that will prepare someone for an even harder dive) a harder dive. This dive was a Back Two and Half in the Tuck Position. This was the same dive but just adding one extra flip. I did not wish to argue with him so I did a few of those and unsurprisingly smacked again. When I hit the water that time I did not care that it hurt art because at that point I was very used to smacking and it seemed normal. Luckily, this one was not nearly as pain as the previous one. However, it added to the excruciating bruising back of