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Leaflet: The Importance of Good Communication

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Leaflet: The Importance of Good Communication
Unit 001
1.1, 1.2, 1.3

You have been asked by your manager to help her put together a leaflet for a new staff member about the importance of good communication in the setting.
Your manager has asked you to give your new colleague information about:-
1) Explain the different reasons that people communicate within a child care setting.
2) Explain how effective communication affects all aspects of own work.
3) Explain why it is important to observe an individual’s reactions when communicating with them. ICT Challenge criteria:-
Your document must be completed using word- You must title your leaflet and you should be able to show that you can use columns in a word document and layout your document clearly. You should use correct grammar and spell check your work.
You have 45 mins- 1 hour to complete the challenge

Please proof read your work and make sure that you have included all information in points 1-3.

Content:- To complete this assignment you need to identify the roles and responsibilities of your work role. Think about all the jobs that you do throughout your working day. You will be exploring how your job role contributes to good working practice (best practice benchmarks). You will also be identifying the consequences of not carrying out your role effectively.

Assignment Task:-

1) Describe the roles and responsibilities of your own work role and explain how they contribute to good practice.
2) Identify standards that influence the way the role is carried out.
3) Identify three areas of your working practice and explain what the consequences would be if you were not to carry out this role effectively.
4) Describe the ways to ensure that personal attitudes or beliefs do not obstruct the quality of your work.

Standards may include:-
Codes of practice, Regulations, Minimum Standards, National Occupational Standards.

Content:- For this assignment you will be exploring equality, diversity and inclusion. You will need to identify the groups of people that are likely to be discriminated against and then explain the ways discrimination may occur in the work setting. Finally you will be exploring a range of sources of information to support your equality and diversity practice.

Assignment Task:-

1) Explain what is meant by diversity, equality, inclusion and discrimination.
2) Describe way in which discrimination may deliberately or inadvertently occur in the work setting. (direct and indirect discrimination)
3) Explain how practice that support equality and inclusion reduce the likelihood of discrimination.
4) Identify a range of sources of information, advice and support about diversity, equality and inclusion.
5) Describe how and when you might need to access these sources of information, advice and support about diversity, equality and inclusion.

For this assignment task you will be exploring the expected pattern of children and young people’s development from birth to 19 years. You will need to show that you understand the sequence of development for the three main areas of; Physical, Communication and Intellectual and Personal Social and Emotional Development.

Assignment Task:-

1) Introduce the three main areas and explain what each area of development relates to.
2) Describe the expected pattern of children and young people’s development from birth to 19 years for the following development areas:-

a) Physical
b) Communication and Intellectual
c) Social, emotional and behavioural

3) Describe with examples how different aspects of development can affect one another.

For this assignment task please complete a bibliography to show where you have taken your information e.g books and websites.

For this assignment you will be exploring what influences a child’s development. You will need to use your knowledge and experience to identify the importance of recognising and responding to concerns about children and young people’s development.
Assignment Task:
1) Describe with examples the kinds of influences that affect children and young people’s development including:-
A) Background
B) Health
C) Environment

2) Using at least two examples from your practice explain when you have identified concerns about children’s development. What procedure did you follow and what outside agency was contacted to get the child and its family support.

3) Describe the importance of recognising and responding to concerns about children and young people’s development.

Content:- A transition is a change from one place, state or stage to another. For this assignment you will be exploring the changes that children experience and how they cope with these changes.

Assignment Task:-
1) Identify and describe the different transitions that children and young people may experience.
2) Describe the transitions that only some children may experience.
3) Describe how these transitions may affect children’s behaviour and development.
4) Explain how to give adult support for each of these transitions.

Additional guidance- transitions may include
Emotional:- how children are affected by personal experience e.g bereavement, entering or leaving a care.
Physiological: how children are affected by puberty or long term medical conditions.
Physical: moving to a new educational establishment, a new home/locality, from one activity to another.
Intellectual:- Moving from Pre-school to primary to post primary.

Between carers/smaller daily transitions

Content: for this assignment you will be identifying how to recognise and respond to concerns about a child’s safety in relation to abuse. You will explore legislation that is in place to safeguard the welfare of children and young people including e-safety. You will explore the roles of different agencies involved in safeguarding the welfare of children and young people.
Assignment Task:-
1) Identify the current legislation, guidelines, policies and procedures for safeguarding the welfare of children and young people including e-safety.
2) Identify the characteristics of different types of child abuse.
3) Describe the risks and possible consequences for children and young people using the internet, mobile phones and other technologies.
4) Describe the actions to take in response to evidence of concerns that a child or young person has been abused, harmed (including self harm) or bullied, or maybe at risk of harm, abuse or bullying.
5) Describe the actions to take in response to concerns that a colleague maybe:
a) Failing to comply with safeguarding procedures.
b) Harming, abusing or bullying a child or young person.

6) Describe the principles and boundaries of confidentiality. Explain where there may be conflicts or dilemmas in relation to sharing information with partners and maintaining confidentiality. Include when you would need to share confidential information.
Additional Guidance:- May include: Evidence or concerns that a child or young person has been abused, harmed or bullied, or maybe at risk of harm, abuse or bullying may include: Disclosure, Allegations, Signs and indicators of abuse.

Content:- For this assignment you will be exploring the health and safety procedures of your work place. You will be looking at the legislation and policies and procedures that are in place to protect the staff and children.

Assignment Task:

1) Identify and summarise the legislation that is in place to protect children and adults in the workplace.
2) Outline the health and safety policies and procedures of your own work setting.
3) Identify the lines of responsibility and reporting for health and safety in the work setting.
4) Identify the differences between risk and hazard.
5) Explain what risk assessment is and how this is managed in the work setting.
6) Identify potential hazards to the health, safety and security of children or young people in the work setting.

Additional guidance:- Health and Safety legislation to include COSHH, RIDDOR, Manual Handling Operations Regulations (1992), Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, The management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (1999)

Content: For this assignment you will be recalling the policies and procedures of the setting for responding to fires, security incidents, missing children or young people.

Assignment Task
1) Identify non medical incidents and emergencies that may occur in the work setting.
2) Outline the actions to take in response to the following situations:

A) Fires
B) Security incidents (all types)
C) Emergency incidents. (Missing children, evacuation etc)

Additional Guidance: Security incidents may include unauthorised entry to the premises.

Content: For this assignment you will be identifying the signs and symptoms of common childhood illnesses and explaining your workplace procedures for dealing with children that become ill.

Assignment Task
1) Identify the signs and symptoms which may indicate that a child or young person is injured or unwell.
2) Identify the signs and symptoms of common childhood illnesses.
3) Identify the circumstances when children may need urgent medical attention.
4) Outline your own role and responsibilities in the event of a child or young person requiring urgent medical attention. Include a description of the reporting procedures for accidents, incidents, emergencies and illnesses.
5) Identify the procedures of the work setting governing the receipt, storage and administration of medicines.
6) Explain how the procedures for administering medicine protect both children and young people and practitioners.

Content: for this assignment you will be explaining how to deal with children’s challenging behaviour and also explaining the importance of promoting positive behaviour. You will be indentifying the sorts of behaviour problems that should be referred to others and to who these should be referred.

Assignment Task:

1) Describe the policies and procedures of the setting relevant to promoting children and young people’s positive behaviour.
2) Describe with examples the importance of all staff consistently and fairly applying boundaries and rules for children and young people’s behaviour in accordance with the policies and procedures of the setting.
3) Describe the sorts of behaviour problems that should be referred to others and to whom these should be referred.
Additional Guidance:- may include:-
Policies and procedures may include:- Behaviour policy, code of conduct, rewards and sanctions, dealing with conflict and inappropriate behaviour, anti bullying, attendance.

Inappropriate behaviour is behaviour which conflicts with the accepted values and beliefs of the setting and society. Inappropriate behaviour may be demonstrated through: speech, non verbal behaviour, writing and physical abuse.

Content: You will be carrying out an investigation of best practice benchmarks such as Every Child Matters and the EYFS Themes and Principles. You will also be exploring what factors contribute to a positive environment.

Assignment Task
1) Describe what is meant by a positive environment. This may include inside and outside.
2) Identify regulatory requirements that underpin a positive environment for children and young people.

Additional guidance:- a positive environment to include the EYFS themes and principles, Every Child Matters. The factors that contribute to a positive environment such as design and layout of the environment indoors and outdoors, appearance of the environment, Provision of activities and resources, Atmosphere, Staff approach.

Content: you will be explaining your settings procedures for handling, storing and serving food to children and young people. You will be covering basic food hygiene and also exploring healthy diets and promotion of healthy eating habits.
Assignment Task:
1) Outline the nutritional requirements of a healthy diet for children and young people to ensure a balanced diet and meet government guidance. (food groups and portions per day, recommended salt and water intake)
2) Explain how to establish the different dietary requirements of children and young people.
3) Describe basic food safety when providing food and drink to children and young people.
4) Design a balanced menu for the children that you work with.
5) Describe how culture, religion and health conditions impact on food choices.
6) Describe the benefits of healthy eating for children and young people.
7) Describe the possible consequences of an unhealthy diet.
8) Describe how to recognise and deal with allergic reactions to food.
9) Describe where to get advice on dietary concerns.
10) Describe the food policy of your setting
11) Describe with examples ways of encouraging children and young people:
A) To make healthier food choices
B) To eat the food provided for them.
12) Explain the importance of personal hygiene at meal and snack times.
13) Describe the setting’s code of conduct and policies for meal and snack times.

Additional Guidance:
Healthier foods in relation to meals provided in the setting, packed lunches, snacks, meals and snacks purchased off site.
Code of conduct and policies may include:- entry to and exit from the dining area, collecting/serving food, noise levels, conduct in the dining area, conduct at the table, clearing away, sustainability.

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