
Labeling Theory Or Deviant Behavior

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Labeling Theory Or Deviant Behavior
The labeling theory or deviant behavior as it is commonly known for, is frequently used in society and many individuals maybe influenced by the term used to describe or classify them. This theory holds that deviance is not built-in but instead , focus on the negative minorities and those that are seen as deviant from cultural norms.

Stigma is a negative label that is used in society as a form of discrimination , prejudice and stereotyping against many ethnic groups. This type of negative labeling can change a person or group self concept, social identity, and distinguish them and others from members of society. Also, denouncing a person color, nationality and religion can also destroy their dignity and diminishes their chance to achieve their goals or reaching their full potential in life, which also violates their basic Human Rights.
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Most women are taught to respect their husbands, and take care of the home and family while their husband work to support them.

Children on the other hand, are taught to respect their parents and elders and disobeying these rules can lead to disciplinary action that is enforce by their parent to modify their behavior. Animals can be easily trained to obey their owners wishes and prisoner in total institutions are expected to obey and follow ground rules that is given to them by guards that are trained by superior to enforced laws that complies with obedience. Although, obedience may instill morality and values in society, it is our submissive compliance to the law that can change the labeling theory.

In conclusion, although, The Labeling Theory is best used and practice in today's society. Stigmatization , conformity, Sanction and Obedience are four reasons to which the labeling theory has been used in society to discriminate, stereotype, influence , penalize , pose positive or negative actions, disobey and violates any norm or conduct that affiliates with deviance

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