
King Richard The Second Speech

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King Richard The Second Speech
In The Life and Death of King Richard the Second, Shakespeare writes in the form of a historic play the last years of King Richard’s rule, and his ultimate demise. The arguably most significant speech in this play is given by John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster. For readers to understand what Gaunt says to Richard in his final hours, it is important to evaluate how Gaunt perceives a king’s rule and what he requires from King Richard. Before his speech, he essentially views a true king as having a balance of two qualities: divine influence and human nature. Gaunt’s speech helps readers understand the play as he explains why Richard’s human nature will destroy him by overpowering the divine aspects that accompany his rule.
Before Gaunt gives his
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There is evidence in the text that the king does acknowledge his divine nature and the divine nature of the world, as he is mentioned kissing the land, as he is serving God and his creation. It is made evident in the text that Gaunt believes in this divine influence, and that kings are chosen by God. He has a conversation with the Duchess in Act 1, Scene 2 in which he says Richard is Heaven’s substitute for a fully divine ruler, meaning that because God cannot rule England himself, He sends each king to rule over them. This is important because it shows that Gaunt respects King Richard, and has no ill will or outside influence for his proclamations in his later speech. Gaunt also believes that Heaven, meaning God, will punish King Richard for the king’s wrongdoings. Because King Richard is chosen by God, Gaunt makes it clear that it is not his place to administer punishment to Richard. By doing so, he would be doing God’s role. Richard will be confronted by God regarding his sins and his disrespect and dishonor of the role God has given to him. He says in Act 1, Scene 2, “Let heaven revenge, for I may never lift / …show more content…
This evidence confirms that Gaunt’s worries regarding King Richard are correct. Gaunt’s speech holds even more meaning once readers realize how truthful his words are after reading of Richard’s sinful actions beforehand. Gaunt has a strong moral compass, and although the audience does not know of Gaunt’s past, they can see that he acknowledges and lives by Christian values, and understands what a king should be. King Richard is currently fighting a war with Ireland, and although wars are necessary at times, there is evidence that it is not fueled for the right reasons, and will have disastrous effects. It’s also important to recognize that in the end, England is ultimately damaged and changed not because of the war with Ireland, but because of the corruptness of its king. Examining the king’s actions helps readers to understand what Gaunt is referring to in his speech. During Act 1, Scene 3, Mowbray and Bullingbrook are meant to duel as proclaimed by the king because both are accused of killing Edward of Gloucester, but King Richard devised Edward’s murder. King Richard shows his weakness regarding his kingship by deciding right before the duel that he would rather exile Mowbray and Bolingbroke, possibly out of guilt. To be in such a strong position of power and to still be so indecisive regarding

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