Shakespeare’s “Richard III” exists as a providential narrative in support of the Tudor Myth; that it was only through the divinely sanctioned rule of Henry VII that brought about peace after an era of turmoil under the reign of Richard III. As such, Shakespeare’s pro-Tudor bias highlights the politically and morally absolutist agenda of his time.
Intrinsic to both texts, there is the notion that art is used to directly influence and impact existing historical perceptions. Shakespeare’s “Richard III” explores this idea, using the most influential artistic medium of the time, theatre, to further publicise the ‘Tudor Myth’ perception. On stage, the visual motif of Richard’s appearance as “deformed, unfinished” reflects his moral deficiencies, reinforced by his soliloquys and asides that expose his underlying treachery. He forges a duplicitous role as both director and actor within the play, stating in the opening soliloquy “plots that I have laid, inductions dangerous…” Richard seemingly ‘stage manages’ the entirety of his world, creating a sense of dramatic irony from the juxtaposing of the different “masks” he feigns in contrast to his true intentions; he plays the role of the “grieving” brother, “Christian prince,” etc. As such, Richard’s meta-theatricality engages us on a psychological level that reinforces the perception of the Tudor Myth given not just the heinous nature of his crimes but the “villainous”