High risk review for Jaus International LLC.
The client is HIGH based on CIB scoring factors.
Jaus International LLC is owned by Zohurul Hoque and Didarul Hayashizaki. This entity operates two gas stations/grocery stores in Oklahoma City. There have been no SAM investigations and no SARs filed.
Relationship Review: Jaus International LLC has been a BOKF customer since 2015 with the following accounts to support the two store operations:
311798184 - Operating account (7410 S. Anderson Rd). Credits; merchant settlements, cash & check deposits, online transfers and vendor refunds. Debits; check payments for distributors' invoices (gas, tobacco and regular store merchandise), Chase credit card, rent, IRS taxes, utilities, …show more content…
Shields Blvd). Credits; cash deposits and isolated funds transfers. Debits; funds transfers, OK Lotto, OD charge. Current balance as of 10/16/2017: $82.99
Didarul Hayashizaki has a personal account. Credits; payroll & distribution checks, IOD interest paid. Debits; draft payments, credit cards, check payments to ZD Petroleum Corp.
A search was conducted on business entity and owners, with no negative news found through the use of World Compliance, Google search engine and LexisNexis.
Review Results: Jaus International LLC does meet the definition of a CIB. This entity operates two grocery stores in Oklahoma City OK under the brand of Valero and Conoco (stores are located within 12 miles approx). Each store has three accounts for operating, EFT and Lottery activities. Accounts receive daily cash deposits for uneven amounts on average of $2200.
Cash volume is within expectations with the client's line of business. Since this is the first CDD review, no adjustments will be requested at this time.
Additional Relevant Information/Documentation: There is no evidence of MSB/ATM services offered. A CDD request was submitted in January of 2016 and the client attested that none of this services are offered at the