
IPO Study

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IPO Study
Prestige Institute of Management

Prestige Institute of Management

Prestige Institute of Management

Jiwaji University
Corporate governance has recently emerged as an issue of global significance. The present era is of intense global competition with customers becoming more knowledgeable and demanding. Not only the customers but also the shareholders are becoming increasingly aware of the present competitive environment. Customers rank firms based on ability to invest and manage physical assets, competition and the ability to exploit intangible assets, transparency of operations and soft assets.
There is some evidence, albeit inconclusive, to suggest that there is a positive relationship between corporate governance and improvements in corporate performance. The paper investigates the awareness level of corporate governance among professionals and non professionals in Gwalior region. The study resulted in six underlying factors for corporate governance viz., social responsibility, legal system, competitive advantage, long term, transparent system, and healthier practice. The findings of the paper reveals that the there is no significant difference in the awareness of corporate governance among professionals and non-professionals. Also results of the z test applied between professionals and non-professionals for the difference in factors gave the similar results.
Only for one factor competitive advantage, the level of awareness among professionals and non professionals was found to be different.

In its narrowest sense, corporate governance is about how an organization is directed and controlled. It is about the structures and processes in place to facilitate and monitor effective management of an organization, including mechanisms to ensure legal compliance and prevent improper or unlawful

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