It enables individuals to; * Increase professional credibility and competitive advantage by continuous reflection and tracking of progression. * Develop new skills becoming more efficient and confident. * Stay motivated, improve knowledge to embrace ‘best practice’ - Increasing professional competence. * Achieve career goals and lifelong learning.
In completing an assessment of development within HR areas, consideration has been given to the following three professional areas;
Strategies, Insights and Solutions: * Ensures Individuals understand the organisation and the different functions within it. * Regularly practice leadership and seek feedback from managers. * Promote continuous learning, by reading publications relevant to the industry to increase commercial awareness. * Understand and promote change within the organisation.
Leadership and Managing the Human Resources function: * Leads and Manages a team that delivers in line with the organisation requirements. * Support the HR department through training, HR plans and monitoring. * Ensure HR employees have a clear understanding of the organisation by promoting reading of case studies of the business and getting all involved with HR model planning. * Forms strong and influential working relationships to implement plans and deliver value.
Employee Relations: * Ensures the relationship between the organisation and its staff is managed effectively, by having policies and procedures in line with current employment law and legislation. * Ensures knowledge and understanding of the Health and Safety (H&S) policies and compliance requirements are up to date. * Manages and facilitates potential conflict situations to achieve a consensus legally and ethically. * Leads key