
How Is Adolf Hitler A Good Leader

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How Is Adolf Hitler A Good Leader
Adolf Hitler was the leader of Nazi Germany from 1934-1945 until he committed suicide. Adolf Hitler was a frontline solider then he rose to power in German politics as a leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party, which was known as the NAZI party. Hitler was a chancellor of Germany and served as a dictator. This rise to leadership was formed during the great depression in Germany.

Adolf Hitler was a charismatic leader who was not a very sociable person.

What made Hitler a good leader was that he was a very charismatic, great public speaker, powerful, dedicated, inspiring, demanding, confident and passionate by Hitler having these qualities he was able to control nearly all of the German population.

Adolf Hitler had a clear vision
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Even though Hitler was a brutal person he was a staunch advocate for wild animals including the creation of the first hunting laws. Hitler and the Nazi party where the first country to ban the performing experiments on live animals in the world. High ranking Nazis such as Adolf Hitler, Hermann Goring, Heinrich Himmler were quite concerned about animal conservation, particularly the manner of how animals were butchered. Most of the current laws in the world today are derived from the laws put forth by the Nazi Party.

Hitler was supportive of the poor. Hitler’s actions have made Germans one of the most politically correct and non-racist people in the world today. In 1934, Hitler started on his dream project, which was that every German family had a car, which could carry at least two adults and three children. Hitler started working hand in hand with top-notch officials and eventually launched his dream
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Nearly every major city had been bombed, millions where killed, millions more were hungry and Germans were culturally cleansed from much of the Eastern Europe population and Germany had lost more land. Home schooling is illegal in Germany and this law was passed by Adolf Hitler to prevent children being taught anything other than what the Nazi’s wanted them to know. This law that Hitler had passed still exists today. More than 6 million people were killed because of Adolf Hitler and the world became witness’s to just how evil people can actually be.

Hitler was definitely monstrous due to the things he did during World War II and the horrible things that he did to the Jews just because of their race and was a very bad influence on the German society.

Beside the mass destruction that Hitler caused he was a brilliant idealist. He had actually thought of many different ways to make the world better and rid the world of crime and drugs that didn’t involve blood being shed. The other positive effects where that he had Autobahns built; these were the world’s first motorways. The building of them boosted the German economy and created jobs. The world today is now aware of how horrible genocide can be and we have learned valuable lessons about discrimination, hatred and intolerance and we can stop such dictators from taking power like Hitler.

Adolf Hitler was held accountable for those who followed

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