
How Did Martin Luther King Affect The Civil Rights Movement

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How Did Martin Luther King Affect The Civil Rights Movement
For years, large groups of people have come together to oppose interesting ideas, encouraging the change of beliefs, and government approach. During the mid-1900’s the people of America called for a change in humanity. The change is the Civil Rights Movement. The Civil Rights Movement was a movement in which African Americans urged to have the same lives as that of the Americans. Whether it is a way of human conflict or a way to survive the conflict, this movement is an important part of our society’s growth and expansion into a modern society. The Civil Rights Movement served as the most significant movement, it also was the beginning of true fairness for the African Americans in the United States, but it would not have been possible without the great …show more content…
As King emerged into a leader, he put his beliefs in action and proved that being nonviolent was the effective way to stop the racial movement. King made his statement through his letter the “Letter from Birmingham Jail.” King’s letter served as an inspiration to the people to have a better life in America. As King states “Everything we Dared to imagine about a New America, A Better America.” (Lewis and Aydin 2: 173). King’s belief is that he wanted everyone to have the same life no matter which race, and that is how the Civil Rights Movement got started by King motivating the people to pass the Civil Rights Movement. Malcolm X was the other leader who helped in the movement. Malcolm X and John Lewis both had their differences in attempting to pass the Civil Rights Movement. According to John Lewis, “Malcolm talked about the need to shift our focus from race to class, both among one another and between ourselves and the white community.” (Lewis and Aydin 3: 136). Basically, Lewis is saying that Malcolm X was focusing on the class of the people, not on the race of the

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