
How Did George Mason Contribute To Government

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How Did George Mason Contribute To Government
George Mason was an American political leader and planter. Mason was born on December 11, 1725, on his family’s plantation in Fairfax County, Virginia (Rutland). Nearly a decade after his father’s death, he inherited the estate on which he was born (Dreisbach 40). At an early age Mason was tutored by his mother and Scottish schoolmasters, where he showed his interest as a planter, businessman, and thinker (Rutland). Mason married Ann Eilbeck of Maryland in 1750. Before Ann’s death in 1773 they had 12 children, 9 of whom survived into adulthood. In 1780 he married Sarah Brent who was from a well known Maryland family (Dreisbach 40). He died on October 7, 1792, (Rutland). George Mason had many ideas, but most famously he wanted to end slavery. …show more content…
For instance, Mason wanted the colonies to once again avoid British goods and for each colony to fabricate a congress. Therefore, in July 1774 he created the Fairfax Resolves. A Virginia convention, the following month, authorized the document. Furthermore, in the summer of 1776, at the Fifth Virginia Convention, Mason had a significant impact. He, with the help of a committee, created a state constitution and bill of rights. They drafted a Declaration of Rights with sixteen parts. Among theses rights were freedom of religion, multiple rights for criminal defendants, and other freedoms. (Mason’s Declaration of rights would later be used by Thomas Jefferson to help create the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence.) Since the Virginia Declaration was the first written constitution with a bill of rights, it is often known as the “first modern bill of rights”. Hence, the Federal Bill of Rights (which are still in effect today) along with other documents used this as an exemplary example (Broadwater). Christopher Collier, a scholar of the American Founding, said Mason “should be better known as the father of all bills of rights, especially the U.S. one of 1791— also for his antislavery efforts in the Convention of 1787” (Dreisbach

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