He believed that the reliance on costly foreign goods limited the American economy. He wanted a mercantilist economic policy because it would secure manufacturers through direct government aid and tariffs. Hamilton wanted the government to actively promote new manufacturing and industrial enterprises. He thought that industrialization would bring change to the American economy that was led by agriculture and imported British goods, increase the work rate with use of machines, provide work for people, and attract workers from around the world. To support industrial development, Hamilton suggested the government raise tariffs on imports and provide bounties to industries making important products that are needed. He also asked Congress to fund transportation advancements, in addition to the development of roads, canals, and …show more content…
Burr was running for the governorship of New York, and everybody except Hamilton favored Burr’s candidacy. After Burr read in a newspaper that Hamilton called him “the most unfit and dangerous man of the community”, Burr felt that Hamilton had thwarted his plans and challenged Hamilton to a duel after Hamilton refused to apologize. The two men met at Weehawken, New Jersey, and Hamilton was shot by Burr’s bullet. Alexander Hamilton is an example of a person that rose from their problems and strove to succeed in life despite their past obstacles and background. Alexander’s father left him while he was young, which forced his mother to rely on relatives. After his mother died, he lived with his cousin, who committed suicide. Hamilton did not let his past affect his success, instead it motivated him to make a life for himself in