
Gilgamesh And Genesis Comparison

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Gilgamesh And Genesis Comparison
The flood in Gilgamesh had many similarities to the story of Noah ark in Genesis of the Bible. When Gilgamesh was trying to find everlasting life, he went to Utanapishtim to learn how to get everlasting life. Utanapishtim told the story of the great flood and how the people had overwhelmed the earth and upset the gods. In Noah ark, God needed to cleanse the earth because the people had become to corrupted. I feel like the reasons why they flooded the earth was different in both stories because the Gods want to flood Earth because it was to crowed and in Genesis God want to save the people but cleanse the earth from the evil. They both had similar story line. The Gods came to one person to save men kind. In the story of Utanapishtim the god

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