Women have to know how to take care her family perfectly. Because at that century every mother in-law want that her son has to be marred a girl who knows the rule before she get marred because she want make sure her son is in a good attitude and with a wife who’s a kind of angle.
Ruth mother in-law was not happy because her son marred that women who did not know how to protect and making save her family. In her mother’s in-law eyes Ruth was not an example of a true women.
The other thing their roles in society were to act as status symbol for men and reflect their husbands wealth and success and at home was to create babies and care for them so her husband’s legacy of success would continue. A woman was considered a true woman if she adhered to this strict religion. She was known as the “A light of house” and her primary intention was to inspire her family morally. The other ideal woman needed a male to protect her and provided her with indulgence.
On the other hand the century was Ruth born in a society who expect a woman must be domestic. Woman could not participate out of home as a partner they have to stay home as a house