
Fear Of Taliban Drives Women Out Of Kunduz Summary

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Fear Of Taliban Drives Women Out Of Kunduz Summary
According to author Alisa J. Rubin in article, “Fear of Taliban Drives Women out of Kunduz”. Author explains how women are treating in Afghanistan, men force their commands and laws on women. If women don’t agree to follow them, they either kill or abuse them. “Hassina Sarwari she is a bad woman, and if we had captured her, she would be hanged in the main circle in Kunduz city” (Rubin .8). According to author Rubin, Hassina Sarwari is a coordinator of women organization who opened shelter home for those women who been abused and treated badly by their husbands. Taliban has threat this Sarwari that she is encouraging other women to disobey their husband, and they said this lady going to hang in front everyone in the city center. Antigone disobeyed and broke Creon law, and she got punished to death. …show more content…
According to author Mark Chalon Smith, in the article The Agony of ‘Antigone’: Anouilh's Heroine Symbolized Nazi Resistance, Its Validity Holds, says Art’s Cotter. Smith explains that Antigone was a strong character who stood against Creon law, her sister denied to help Antigone. But still Antigone didn’t thought of anything, and she stayed with her belief and thought that she is doing right. "Antigone" is as relevant now as at any other time. Antigone, who refuses to compromise her spiritual and moral beliefs, is a powerful symbol for any modern hero, whether famous or obscure” (Smith 8). Author explains that Antigone belief was powerful which made her to stand for what she though is right, nobody was with her to support her. Furthermore, Smith demonstrates todays people have strong beliefs as Antigone had that time, she showed great strength. "This type of thing happens every day, where any kind of repression tests us” (Smith 12). "In Yugoslavia, China, South Africa, people dies for their beliefs; they feel as strongly as Antigone does” (Smith

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