1. Identify the Problem:
See Ethical Dilemma Handout
2. Potential Issues Involved:
Maria is a minor
No signed Informed Consent
Dual Relationship/ Neighbor
Underage Drinking
Possible Pregnancy and/or STD
Self mutilation
Rural community, cultural differences
Maria (client) asks not to inform parent/ legal guardian for fear of his reaction.
Father approaches therapist in an unprofessional setting and wants to information regarding his daughter.
Maria goes to school with the rapist.
3. Review Basic Ethical Guidelines/ Laws
a. A.2.a. Informed Consent; A.2.b. Types of Information Needed; A.2.d. Inability of Give Consent: First and foremost, the therapist needs to explain …show more content…
B.2.a. Danger and Legal Requirements; B.2.b. Contagious, Life Threatening Diseases; B.2.d. Minimal Disclosure: The therapist needs to explain to Maria that any information given during a session that indicates serious harm or foreseeable danger for Maria or anyone else cannot be kept confidential. The therapist can explain that the reason for this is protection. Maria also needs to know that the therapist may need to consult with other professionals in order to provide the best treatment. In addition, the fact that Maria stated that she may have contracted an STD created an ethical dilemma for the therapist in that the therapist is ethically bound to inform any third party at risk for contracting the disease. It is important for the therapist to keep Maria as informed and involved as possible during any disclosure of private information. Lastly, the therapist should only disclose the necessary …show more content…
Maria may not be as forth coming with her new therapist. ii. Referring Maria to someone else may damage the therapist's credibility within her new town as well any relationship she had with her neighbors. iii. Referring Maria to someone else may cause Maria's mental health to deteriorate. Maria's symptoms may become more severe and desperate.
Course of Action #2: The therapist could explain to the father that any discussion outside of the office is inappropriate, and ask the father to call and schedule an appointment sometime in the near future. Before meeting with the father, the therapist should consult another professional, and, if possible, have another session with Maria to explain the circumstances of the counseling relationship. The therapist could explain the guidelines of the informed consent and confidentiality at this time. The therapist could also meet with the father to explain the terms and guidelines of counseling, and the role that he would play in Maria's therapy. After the initial sessions, the therapist could spend a full session carefully assessing Maria's mental health, and decide if a break in confidentiality is in need. Once this decision is made, the therapist could develop a treatment plan for Maria and begun