China, a massive country located in Eastern Asia, is the most populated country in the world, making up about one sixth of the worlds population. China is home to roughly 1,348,585,838 people (CIA). Because China is so over-populated the government has attempted to control the population by enforcing a one-child policy on families. This policy was established by former Chinese leader, Deng Xiaoping, to limit China’s rapid population growth. The one child policy is an attack on the Chinese’s human rights. The one-child policy has caused many issues to the citizens of China. The policy began in 1979 when China was home to a quarter of the world’s population who were occupying just 7% of the world’s land (New England …show more content…
For example, “In rural areas, where approximately 70 percent of the people live, a second child is generally allowed after five years, but this provision sometimes applies only if the first child is a girl — a clear acknowledgment of the traditional preference for boys” (Li Lu). The policy in China has proven to be very successful. When comparing China’s population to the rest of the world, it is much smaller than it was in 1979 when the policy was introduced. Unfortunately, there have been many negative affects directly related to this law. The one-child policy has had a great impact on the sex ratio in China. The male to female sex ratio has jumped “from 1.06 in 1979, to 1.11 in 1988, to 1.17 in 2001”(Li Lu). Because of this ratio, it is very difficult for guys in China to find a partner and start a family. The scarcity of females has also resulted in “kidnapping and trafficking of women for marriage and increased numbers of commercial sex workers” (Li Lu). The reason this policy has ultimately caused there to be more males than females is because family’s would strive to have a baby boy and many times the female has an abortion if the baby is a girl. The majority of families in China prefer having male