
Essay Comparing Yahwist And Gilgamesh

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Essay Comparing Yahwist And Gilgamesh
Growing up in a Christian home, it was mandatory to go to church every Wednesday and Sunday. Since my mother always attended “big church” with the other adults, she felt like I needed to grow up through a youth group. In youth group, we learned many things about God and the bible. We would learn about David and Goliath, Samson and Delilah, Joseph and Mary, and many more stories. However, one story that seems to be the most significant is the story of Noah and the Ark. Noah is one of the most influential people in the Bible who steered away from God and his word. When thinking about the story of Noah, another story is very similar to the life of Noah. In the story of Gilgamesh, a man by the name of Utnaptishtim experience the fate Noah had with the flood. Even though these stories are very similar, there are differences that are present. In the …show more content…
In the story of Yahwist and Gilgamesh, both have massive floods to wipe out the evil in mankind. In the story of Noah, however, Yahwist was one single God, and he specifically told Noah to build the ark since he was pure hearted. In Gilgamesh, an assembly of gods decided to cast the earth of a flood without even telling anyone, besides the god Ea. Also in the story of Noah, it rained for forty days and forty nights which was a very long time. In the story Utnapishtim tell Gilgamesh, it rained for six days and six nights which is a shorter period. Also, while noah found out the flood through the word of Yahwist, Ea tells Utnapishtim of the flood through a dream. However, there is one main difference that separates these two stories. In the story of Yahwist, the reason for Yahwist to destroy mankind was because of man’s wickedness in the world. Yahwist was disappointed of man’s wickedness, so he bestowed a flood to get rid of the evil. In the story of Gilgamesh, the Assembly of gods created a flood to get rid of man’s

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