Stage|Ages|Basic Conflict|Summary|
Infancy|1 to 2 years|Trust vs. Mistrust|The child, well - handled, nurtured, and loved, develops trust and security and a basic optimism. Badly handled, s/he becomes insecure and mistrustful. |
Early Childhood|2-3 years|Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt|Children will begin to develop their feeling of personal control over physical skills. This can cause feelings of autonomy; however failure makes them feel shameful and doubtful.|
Preschool|3-5 years|Initiative vs. Guilt|Children will start to have control and power over the environment. Children who attempt to create too much power result in a sense of guilt.|
School Age|6-11 years|Industry vs. Inferiority |Children need to manage new social and academic strain. Success leads to a sense of skill, which failures leads in feelings of inferiority.|
Adolescence|12-18 years|Identity vs. Role Confusion |Teens need to build a feeling of self and personal identity. Success leads to a capability to stay true to you, while failure results to role confusion and a weak sense of self.|
Young Adulthood|19-40 years|Intimacy vs. Isolation|Young adults will have intimate relationships with other people. Success leads to strong relationships, while failure results in loneliness and isolation.|
Middle Adulthood|40-65 years|Generativity vs. Stagnation|When adults begin to have children, they need to nurture things to make it outlast. This causes success, value and a sense of achievement. Failure proves the world's shallow commitment.|
Maturity|65 to death|Ego Integrity vs. Despair|Older adults will evaluate and reflect on their past. During this phase results in the successful defeat of despair, a sense of enlightenment