
Effects Of Decisions In Romeo And Juliet

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Effects Of Decisions In Romeo And Juliet
How decisions create adverse effects in Romeo and Juliet In life, we can all agree that even our most well thought out plans can fall through; creating a less desired outcome. This idea is a recurring theme in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet; although, many of the decisions that occur are not meticulous. Romeo and Juliet uses various literary devices to portray the idea that decisions can have adverse impacts. If it were not for Romeo’s heartbreak over Rosaline the various debacles about Romeo and Juliet’s love affair would not have swept Verona with such turbulence. To help Romeo through his time of despair, Benvolio and Mercutio convince Romeo to go to the ball at the Capulet home. Romeo feels that there will be “[…] [some] consequence [that …show more content…

The day after Romeo and Juliet meet, Romeo goes to Friar Laurence about his desire to marry Juliet. Friar Laurence is suspicious of the relationship between the two young lovers. Friar tells Romeo that “[young men’s] love […] lies not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes” (II.III.68-69). Romeo objects that he does indeed love Juliet and tells Friar that he should be grateful Romeo has buried his love for Rosaline. Foreshadowing occurs when Friar retorts that Romeo “[did not put his love] in a grave, [but made room] to lay [another] in” (II.III.85-86). Obviously, Friar realizes that the fate of the lovers will not be virtuous; however, he goes along to perform the marriage. Shortly after the marriage, Romeo is guilty for killing Tybalt and is banished from Verona. When Juliet’s parents wish for her to marry Paris Friar offers an alternative. Friar suggests to Juliet that if she would “[…] hast the strength of will to kill herself […] (IV.I.73) then she would not have to marry Paris and gives Juliet unknown drugs to make her appear to be dead. Friar has a responsibility to send Friar John to warn Romeo of Juliet’s false death; once again, another let down by Friar Lawrence. Romeo’s man, Balthasar, arrives to Romeo first. Balthasar tells Romeo that “[…] [Juliet’s] body sleeps in Capels’ monument” (V.1.18); creating dramatic irony. The miscommunication on Friar Lawrence’s behalf then contributes to Romeo finding Juliet unconscientious in a tomb; resulting in Romeo’s suicide. Shortly after Juliet awakes she finds that Romeo is dead; naturally, Friar Lawrence

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