
Lord Capulet To Blame For The Tragedy Of Romeo And Juliet

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Lord Capulet To Blame For The Tragedy Of Romeo And Juliet
Have you ever been caught in a tragedy?- an event causing great suffering, destruction, and distress, such as a serious accident, crime, or natural catastrophe. Have you ever seen a tragedy in love? In the play Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare displays the dedication that Romeo and Juliet have for each other in the name of love. When the ending of this love story is displayed, Many people are seen to share the blame for this tragedy between these two star-crossed lovers. Lord Capulet is one to blame for this tragedy. Lord Capulet is Juliet’s father that is Tyrannical, violent, and possessive. He loves his daughter and wants the best for her. Furthermore, he forced her to marry Paris. This caused a considerable amount of catastrophe …show more content…
When at the masquerade ball, Romeo falls in love with Juliet. A few days after knowing each other, Romeo wants to marry Juliet, he goes to Friar Laurence to marry them. Friar Laurence agrees indecisively and says, “They stumble that run fast" (2.3.90). Friar Laurence realizes that may have not been the boldest decision without the permission of the Capulet and Montague parents. In addition, Friar Laurence supplies Juliet with the potion that will not allow her to awaken for a few hours. Romeo at this time was exiled from Verona for slaying Tybalt. Romeo was suppose to receive a letter by Friar Laurence that said to come to the tomb at a certain time. The letter was never sent to Romeo which led him to thinking Juliet was dead in the tomb. When she does awaken in the tomb, she sees Romeo and Paris lifeless. Grabbing the dagger of Romeo, she viciously stabs herself in front of Friar Laurence. In summary, If Friar Laurence stuck to his heart, this tragedy with Romeo and Juliet could have never happened.
Although many were blamed for this tragedy, Romeo and Juliet also share the blame for this catastrophe. Romeo and Juliet both agreed to marriage even though they have known each other for only a few days. Friar Laurence foreshadows the marriage by

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