
Friar Laurence Is To Blame In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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Friar Laurence Is To Blame In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet
In the play, William Shakespeare develops a story where Friar Laurence is to blame for the tragic deaths of Romeo and Juliet. This play is about two star crossed lovers, Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet. After days of them meeting they were decided to get married. Romeo persuades Friar Laurence, who is the priest of their church to marry them as soon as possible. The Friar agreed; thinking their families would learn to love and accept each other. Juliet´s parents had a different idea. Her parents wanted her to marry Paris, but little did they know she was already married. In solution with the certain problem, the friar gave Juliet a sleeping potion, so she could fake her death. He wrote a note to Romeo explaining what the plan was. Friar …show more content…
First of all, he is the one that had the idea for Juliet to drink the fake poison. He states, "take thou this vial, being then in bed, and this distilled liquor drink thou off... and then awake as from a pleasant sleep." (1021-1022) This means that if the friar never had the idea to have Juliet fake her death, Romeo would have never killed himself. There would have been no letter to be sent to Romeo, and nobody would have to worry about anyone's deaths. Also, Friar Laurence never knew that the letter would not get to Romeo. Secondly, Friar Laurence was the one who married them in the first place. He knew that they were forbidden to get married. He thought that if he married them, the drama and fighting between their families would stop. Friar Laurence states ¨in one respect I´ll assist be; For this alliance may so happy prove to turn your households rancor to pure love¨(980) This is saying that not knowing what marrying Romeo and Juliet could cause, but he did it anyway. Little did he know that is would wound up with both of them dead. He thought that if they were married, nothing could go wrong. The friar thought there would be a happily ever after. If he never married them, then Juliet would learn that she has to do what she told, and not go behind her parents back. Both of these quotes explain that Friar Laurence is easily to blame for the tragic deaths of Romeo and

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