Initially, Armand is the picturesque face of a beautiful relationship, a man of "passion swept along like an avalanche drives headlong over all obstacles" (141). When Madame Valmonde asks Desiree what Armand thinks of the baby, she paints him as a most proud father, whose hostility towards the slaves has been weakened with each and every smile from the little one. Three months into the baby's life, the painting rots. Desiree cannot comprehend the reasons behind his awful transformation, but the reader can infer that the baby's blackness is becoming evermore visible. During these times, to be black was to be ugly; Armand's built-up anger and frustration toward his situation finally climaxed amidst his wife's pressing questions, and another instance of prejudice against minorities is exposed. "It means that the child is not white; it means that you are not white" (143). Emotionally ravished and bent over with false guilt, Desiree storms out of the house, the baby in arms, and permanently disappears among the banks of the nearby
Initially, Armand is the picturesque face of a beautiful relationship, a man of "passion swept along like an avalanche drives headlong over all obstacles" (141). When Madame Valmonde asks Desiree what Armand thinks of the baby, she paints him as a most proud father, whose hostility towards the slaves has been weakened with each and every smile from the little one. Three months into the baby's life, the painting rots. Desiree cannot comprehend the reasons behind his awful transformation, but the reader can infer that the baby's blackness is becoming evermore visible. During these times, to be black was to be ugly; Armand's built-up anger and frustration toward his situation finally climaxed amidst his wife's pressing questions, and another instance of prejudice against minorities is exposed. "It means that the child is not white; it means that you are not white" (143). Emotionally ravished and bent over with false guilt, Desiree storms out of the house, the baby in arms, and permanently disappears among the banks of the nearby