Crohn's disease is an inflammatory condition of idiopathic etiology that can affect portions of the gastrointestinal tract ranging from the mouth to the perianal area. It is transmural in that it affects the entire thickness of the bowel wall. It is believed to be the result of multiple factors, including genetic susceptibility, luminal antigenic drive and environmental triggers. Canada has the highest incidence rates of Crohn’s disease in the world. According to Statistics Canada, the prevalence of Crohn’s continuous to rise. Patients normally present with abdominal pain and diarrhoea with unpredictable flares and remissions characterizing the long-term course of the condition. Patients also may experience …show more content…
Many patients present with evidence of malabsorption, including diarrhoea, abdominal pain, weight loss, and anorexia. The disease is not always limited to the GI tract as individuals may experience symptoms outside of the intestine, which may affect the joints, bones, eyes, skin and liver. Some patients may develop tears (fissures) in the lining of the anus, which may cause pain and bleeding, especially during bowel movements. Inflammation may also cause a fistula to develop. If this complication occurs, the patient may be exposed to mucus or stool or pus from this opening and the symptoms may be mild to …show more content…
Patients with moderate and severe disease who have a variety of symptoms like fever, anemia, and sedimentation rate of over 30mm/hour should be referred to their physicians as they are considered poor candidates for dental treatment.” Patients susceptible to infections can be prescribed antibiotics but must be monitored for C.difficile. Topical steroids are beneficial for oral lesions of Crohn’s