Some of the counselor’s behaviors that may change as a result of working with Steve are, the counselor will now be able to help a person that is on a difficult journey to better their life. The counselor will be able to help them find their own way instead of trying to guide them down a path. The counselor will be able to teach someone that even though the short easy road looks good, it usually doesn’t get you where you want to be in life. Sometimes you have to take the long and difficult road to get the results that you want. Taking the easy way through things doesn’t benefit you as much as taking the long road. The counselor will now be able to look at things through a different point of view. Instead of always looking through it as a guide, the counselor will now be able to look at it through a travel companions eyes, instead of telling them what they should do, will be able to help them decide what they want to do and what is right for them.
Yes I think that most people you come into contact with change you in some way. When people come into your life, they come in for a reason. You have friends that come into your