
Concrete Proof In Lord Of The Flies

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Concrete Proof In Lord Of The Flies
Concrete proof and evidence is required for a theory to be believable. The beast theory in the book Lord Of The Flies lacks concrete proof which makes me agree with Simon’s statement “maybe there is a beast...what I mean.. maybe it's only us”. The littluns, who are the ones who started this “beast” theory, first said that the beast was “a snake thing, ever so big,” but then the island has many creepers which could be mistaken for a snake at night. Then the littluns mentioned that the beast was “a beast with claws” and “it’s fury”, snakes have no claws nor fur which means the “beast” isn’t a snake anymore, or is it? After they said the beast from the sea. Later in the story, Samneric say that they saw the beast which fell from the air

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