By participating in a problem solving skill. I will accomplish this goal to become a stronger member within the team. I will accomplish this goal by volunteering the staff in the room for few days to understand what are the process they take for problem solving.
I will be able to measure this goal is achieved by asking suggestions my ECE. I want to make sure without any problem to complete this goal properly.
I hope this goal is achievable as I learned some basic skills involved giving clear answers for the children questions, giving direct and indirect help for their learning process and scaffolding help for the children creating power. …show more content…
This goal will be benefit me because I will understand and follow daily routine and it will give me realistic opportunity to see what the roles and responsibilities of an ECE are all out.
The more confident I become in facilitating all facets of the program, when I will be recognized a team mem
I plan to complete this goal by day 8 then I have another opportunity to facilitate another responsibility. I can observe another goal to watch my staff