Active listening is a person’s ability and willingness to listen and understand. Often we people talk to each other. We might not listen at a time because lack of attentiveness, which can distract the speaker. In way active listening can be called as responding to another person that develops mutual understanding. Active listening is process in which the listener paraphrases in its own words what the speaker had said to confirm or clarify of accuracy of the message.
“Active listening involves listening with your head and your heart; that is, you listen to the content of the message but also the feelings behind the message. The skill of active listening involves paying attention with empathy to the listener, as opposed to distracted denying, cynical or ostrich behavior. New session leaders of alcoholics anonymous meetings are advised to’…. Take cotton form your ears and put it in your mouth’. (Hogan, 2000) Listening can wrongly be viewed as a passive activity; the speaker talks and the listener listen’s. The listener is silent and passive and the speaker is active and verbal. When the speaker finishes its talking, the assumption is that the message has been accurately received by the listener, with no observation participation or effort active listening statement. “The most basic of all human needs is the need to be understood”. (Fujishin,1997)
Listening does not mean just have sit with the mouth shut stirring at the person. A dead body can do that. It is an active process which requires participation to understand fully the meaning of a communication. Listening actively involves clarifying, paraphrasing, giving feedback.
Paraphrasing: state in your own word what the speaker had said in the talk. It is sign of good listening. It keeps the listener busy trying to understand and know that other person means rather than blocking.
Clarifying: it goes along with paraphrasing. It means asking questions until the listener get the
References: 3. Jones (2008) “Introduction to Counselling Skills: Text and Activities” Publisher: SAGE Publications Ltd. 6. Fujishin(2007) “Creating effective groups: the art of small group communication” Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield 7. Kliem(2007) “Effective Communications for Project Management” Publisher: CRC Press 8. McKay, Davis & Fanning (2009) “Messages: The Communication Skills Book” Publisher: New Harbinger Publications 9. Spencer & Pruss (1997) “The professional secretary 's handbook” Publisher: Barron 's Educational Series 12. (accessed 6 august 2009)